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Animals are our Lesser Brothers

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Concerning the Animals

Abstain from harassing and imprisoning, abusing or killing domestic or wild animals, birds and fish, for recreational purposes whenever you go on trips to enjoy the fields, lakes and rivers, or in obstinate and bloody sportive tournaments.
There are amusements that are true crimes in disguise.

In dealing with the animals to which you devote esteem, control the impulses of over protection and care, in order not to fall into obsessive excesses under the pretext of loving them.

All passion blinds the soul.
Avoid any cruelty towards the animals. Do not make unreasonable demands in order to satisfy your dietary whims nor in the reprehensible refinements of laboratory research. Restrict your actions simply to the natural necessities of life and to the imperatives of that which is just and righteous.
Use edifies, abuse destroys.
Oppose overworking the animals without offering to them a more comprehensive assistance.
Gratitude also demonstrates justice.
When helping the sick animals, use all possible therapeutic resources, without neglecting even those of a spiritual nature that would apply in their own behalf.
The light of goodness should illuminate all realms of life. 
Support, as much as possible, the movements and the organizations of animal protection, through acts of Christian benevolence and human understanding.
All animals align with us in the condition of need before the law. 
“Let all that you do be done with charity.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

VIEIRA, Waldo. “Perante os Animais”. Conduta EspĂ­rita. By the spirit AndrĂ© Luiz. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2011.75-78. PDF.
1 Corinthians 16”. Bible Hub. King James Bible n.d. Web. 2011.

Our Responsibility towards the Animals

When asked about the suffering of animals, Chico Xavier replied:

"Our spiritual benefactors enlighten us that we need to consider that all animals, in their diversity - surrounding human beings in evolution on the planet Earth - are our Lesser Brothers, developing within their own intelligence.

If we humans have already reached the domain of intelligence and now we are developing our intuitive potentialities, the animals, in turn, are improving gradually their instincts, seeking for intelligence.

Just as we humans aspire to someday reach the degree of pure spirits [angels],personified by our Master and Lord Jesus, the animals also aspire to be intelligent and free human beings in the distant future.

We may consider ourselves as older and more experienced brothers of the animals.

Now, if we already know that the divine law has established Solidarity[1] among all beings, we can easily conclude that God has bestowed us humans the guidance and the protection of our younger brothers, the animals.

And, what are we doing with this sacred responsibility of protecting and guiding the animal kingdom?

How is this terrestrial Humanity acting towards them, throughout the centuries of our history?

Have we not perhaps converted ourselves into merciless tormentors of animals, rather than their faithful protectors?

Who ignores that the cow suffers immensely on its way to the slaughterhouse? 

Who does not know that, minutes before the fatal blow, the cattle shed tears of anguish?

Have we not extensively trained certain breeds of dogs to attack and kill?

What to say of the cruel hunting of birds and wild animals solely for the sport of pleasure?

What to say of the meaningless environmental destruction?

All this boils down to serious responsibility for humans!

The anxiety, the fear and the hatred that we provoke on them, alters their spiritual principle natural equilibrium, determining subsequent adjustments in future existences [incarnations], which are manifested as congenital deformities.

The greatest responsibility will fall upon us because, due to our deviant passions, we have not guided the animals through the path of love and progress, according to God’s Will.”

From the book "Mandato de Amor" (Mandate of Love), by Francisco C. Xavier

[1] “It is the Law of Solidarity that the strongest support the weakest.” Heloisa Pires

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The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness - July 7, 2012

“The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from experiencing affective states. Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Nonhuman animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.”

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Sacred bonds

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